Are there any fees involved?
We do not charge any fees or commissions when we purchase a property from you. We pay for all of the closing costs (attorney fees, title search, transfer tax). The only portion of the sale you are responsible for are your portion of the property taxes for the year. For instance, if your property taxes are $1200 for the year and we buy the house in April then you will be responsible for paying $400 of the property taxes because you owned the house for those four months out of the year.
Don't you just expect me to "give away" my house? Won't you just give me a really low offer?
We always try and offer you the most money we can for your property given your situation, market conditions, and condition of property. We truly do try and help homeowners who are facing complicated and dire real estate issues, and there are a number of ways we can do that including offering a simple and expedited transaction. At the end of the day though, we are running a business and need to account for expenses while making a reasonable profit. Unlike homeowners who purchase property live in, when we purchase a house we then need to invest money into the house to either resell the property, rent the property out, or sell that house to another investor. We base our offers on calculated expenses and risks associated with these activities.